Should be approved next week. Is there anyway that they could find out that I'm still getting paid? I guess the safest way is to ask my employer to hold my pay and I'll volunteer before I go back to China. We are a small company and I've got a lot of work piled up. What about the letter question? Should I ask my boss to write a letter of support for me?
Thanks again. You are the best.
• If you plan to go to China to get your new visa, I don't -xiaobaitu- ♀ (244 bytes) () 05/31/2006 postreply 21:26:02
• 回複:If you plan to go to China to get your new visa, I don't -bangbangmang- ♀ (31 bytes) () 06/01/2006 postreply 07:00:52