回複:NIW RFE 求救(TSC)

It is regular RFE. As long as you re-organize your materials and include some new evidence, you case has a good chance of being approved.

If you can, you definitely need to find some new referee.
The pattern of these letters are the same as your original submission. The difference lies on how points are stressed. For example, you don't need to say that your research is to national interest now. But you have to focus on the point that you are above average Americans.
As long as you catch the deadline, it is fine.

It is possible that your materials, or part of that is lost. My lawyer suspected that in my case. I have no way to know whether it is true.
you don't need to submit all of your old materials. However, if there are some of them which are very important to elucidate your point, you can include that. Just remember to divide them into two section, one named previous submission and the other is new submission. But your focus should lie on the new evidence.

Overall, your best chance of getting approval is to get 3-4 highly-supportive recommendation letters, preferrably from independent experts. As long as you answer the questions from RFE clearly, your case is very likely to be approved soon. A lot of my friends have gotten RFE from TSC. As far as I know, all of these cases got approved finally. Your background is very strong. You can refer to my previous post for my experience if you want to. http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=immigration&MsgID=143867

Good luck. I know it is tough time because I have been there. But just hold on there. If you look at my background, you would know that why I say that you have a good chance of approval.
