Be careful! I just knew that

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The US Consulate Ciudad Juarez(Mexico) ACCEPTS the following types of NIV applications from Third Country National (TCN) applicants:

Renewals of F, H, L, J, M, I, O, P, R visas provided the initial visa was issued in the applicant’s home country or at one of the border posts in the past few years.
Applications for change of status visas, for example, F1 to H1B, F1 to J, etc, provided the applicant has the original change of status notice from DHS.
Those applicants with a B visa issued in their home country that includes an annotation indicating they are entering the US with an intent to change visa status, such as “prospective student.”

We will NOT ACCEPT the following TCN cases:

Applicants who entered the US with an unannotated B visa issued in their home country and who changed status to F, J, H1B, etc.

TCN E1 and E2 cases, including renewals



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