RFE: The record shows that you entered the United Sates in a H4 nonimmigrant status with a valid period of xxxx(date1) and xxxx (date2). Please submit proof that you were maintaining your H4 status between xxxx(date2) and xxxx(date3).
就象今天有人問孩子I94日期的事一樣,我孩子入境時I94的有效日不是我H1的有效日,在我H1有效日前,date1和date2隻差3個月,我當時沒注意,也不懂,覺得政府官員不會寫錯,我H1 renew 時,孩子H4 一起renew,但那時已過了date2了(我那時還不知道,自責ing),renew 的receipt date是在date2之後,好在 H4 approval notice 的有效期是date2 到date 3,這個approval notice 可以回答USCIS的問題嗎?還需要其他證明嗎?
請大俠幫忙看看:485 RFE for my child
• 既然有涵蓋date2到date3的H1 -toosad- ♀ (79 bytes) () 05/15/2006 postreply 20:14:06
• 回複:請大俠幫忙看看:485 RFE for my child -485快了呀- ♀ (78 bytes) () 05/15/2006 postreply 21:07:19