I do not think so

來源: helenswan 2003-12-30 05:56:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (993 bytes)
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回答: 救求了,沒想到辦簽證這麽難我現在在國內2003-12-29 18:48:00
So I disagree with Jiaboshi's comment. K-1 and K-3 are quite similar in term of application within China. The whole process could take 4 months. However, since INS adds up the process of security check, it could take one year to get anything settled within China before you get K-1 or K-3 visa.

The difference between K-1 and K-3 is that whether you have married already or not. Even you have baby together, if you are not legally married, you have to apply K-1. If you are married already, you can apply K-3. The baby will be under K-2 or K-4.

However, The issue here is the timing. If you apply now, the baby is not born yet so you can not apply for him/her. But by the time of getting the visa, the baby will be born, which means he/she needs a visa to come into the conuntry. I do not know about the answer of the issue. May I suggest your hu*****and contact with a lawer.

Do not worry, even it is slow, you will be together finally. So please be happy for the baby.


will pregnancy speed K3 Visa? -我現在在國內- 給 我現在在國內 發送悄悄話 (78 bytes) () 12/30/2003 postreply 07:06:00

I am negatie but I am not 100% -helenswan- 給 helenswan 發送悄悄話 (109 bytes) () 12/30/2003 postreply 08:10:00



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