Bad News: No immigration reform expected this year

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No immigration reform expected this year
Sunday, May 7, 2006


WASHINGTON -- Despite the million legal and illegal immigrants who poured into the nation's streets last week and the country's heightened focus on immigration policy, members of Congress say it is highly unlikely that there will be immigration reform coming out of Washington this year.

The House of Representatives and the Senate are so far apart in their views on what is needed to halt the flow of illegal immigration, some members say, that they may not be able to find enough common ground for a compromise bill.

"I could see that happening," said Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Mo.

The House passed a bill in December that calls for increased border agents and vast fences along the Mexican border. Under the legislation, the nation would spend more than $2.2 billion to build five border fences in California and Arizona, a length of 698 miles at a cost of $3.2 million a mile.

The bill also would force employers to verify workers' legal status by checking their Social Security numbers through a national database or face fines of as much as $25,000 for each violation.

Additionally, it would increase penalties for "coyotes," bandits who smuggle immigrants across the border for pay, often leaving them to die in the desert. It also would make being an illegal immigrant a crime instead of a civil matter, and introduce legislation that would make anyone who helps or houses an illegal immigrant -- including family members -- a criminal as well.

Some senators have called the bill "draconian" and "punitive." They say the biggest failing is that it doesn't address the issue of what to do with the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now in the U.S.

In its latest stab at immigration overhaul, the Senate considered versions of a bill co-sponsored by Sens. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., and Chuck Hagel, R-Neb.

It includes the guest worker program that President Bush wants and a plan that many Democrats want for granting citizenship over time to some of the illegal immigrants already here.

But that compromise fell apart last month, and senators have struggled to come up with a plan that they feel could get through the House without having the guest workers provisions and legalization removed during a conference committee of both houses.

"The problem is you've almost got a split right down the middle in the Republican Party," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said. "There is a wing that is adamant about not providing a pathway to citizenship. If that is their position and they don't budge from that, it's hard to see getting anything done before November."

The subject of immigration reform has been floating around Washington since January 2004, when Bush announced that he wanted Congress to consider immigration reform that included a guest worker program.

But in recent months, the subject has really taken hold with the public.

"It's been bubbling up since about 2001, but it's in full flames now," Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., said.

Emerson said she has received more letters on the subject from her constituents than on any subject in her 10 years in Washington.

Newspapers around the country reported a huge surge in letters from readers on immigration after Monday's "A Day Without an Immigrant" marches and protests. The majority of them were from readers who took a dim view of the protests.

"There are concerns," said Carroll Doherty, an associate director of the Pew Research Center who has been polling Americans about their attitudes toward immigration issues. "There are concerns about jobs, concerns about traditional values, concerns about the impact on government services.

"The people at the lower end of the education and income spectrum are more opposed to immigration than those who have more education and have higher income. The interesting thing is that the same divisions exist among Democrats as among Republicans."

Ironically, some say that while Monday's march reinvigorated the immigration debate, it also may have hardened certain constituencies against immigration reform, making it even more difficult for some politicians to consider a guest worker program or a program for turning illegal immigrants into legal residents without leaving the country.

Nick Charles, editor of AOL Black Voices, a Web site with 3 million visitors a month that targets African-Americans, said much of the talk in the Web site's chat rooms was negative as well.

"People were saying things like, 'I'll tell you what they are trying to do, make the United States Mexico with benefits.'

"Some people are upset that they are tying their movement into the civil rights movement," Charles said.

Many Republicans and some Democrats on Capitol Hill are having a difficult time embracing any proposals regarding guest workers or legalization for illegal immigrants.

Still, some politicians, like Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, R-Ill., a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, remain upbeat about the chances of passing a bill that could be signed into law.

"I'm cautiously optimistic about where we're going," Gutierrez said. "There are going to be many hurdles, many obstacles. It's really going to depend on how strong the measure is that comes out of the Senate."

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