I applied for a position. I was told they are considering my application and requested letter of references.
Today, I got an email after they got the ref letters and was told that their Search Committee has decided to suspend the search at this moment and continue the search in the late this year. I was also asked to send email by certain date if i want to be considered for the position by that time.
It is just frustrating. Do not know what the messge they sent really means.
Please help to analyze if they really suspend the search or just an excuse for denial. Thanks for your input in advance.
feel sad!! Please advice!
回複:feel sad!! Please advice!
(98 bytes)
05/03/2006 postreply
they may suspend it due to funding availability
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05/03/2006 postreply
are u looking for a faculty position?
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05/03/2006 postreply
Yes, thank you all
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05/03/2006 postreply
回複:feel sad!! Please advice!
(172 bytes)
05/03/2006 postreply