From my experience, you might need to apply social security number in person. The office is not open on Sunday. I didn't see the form when I pass the borden. I picked up the form when I went to the government office in person. You can check out more information on their website. It might be possible that you apply that by mail.
You don't need to get maple card to apply for social security card. But they will ask you for your landing record and passport when you apply for that.
For the health card, you need to provide evidence that you have lived in Canada for certain amount of time. Besides, it is useless to you since you live in US.
另外,哪裏能找到sample of ”list to follow“?
Just print out the list of items that you will bring with you in the future and bring it with you. You can find the required form when you cross the borden. Then you can just copy the information there.
Or you can seach the website and download the form from Canadian custom website.
Just my suggestion. If possible, don't land in the weekend. It is hard to get things done in weekend. If they refuse to initiate maple card process for you, you can still do that for yourself by calling the custom service of Canadian immigration bureau, which is only open in the weekday. I also heard that you can't get maple card by calling that number from US since that custom service number is not accesible in U.S. And apply for social security number can be easily done in any weekday.