To: THX: opinions to your NIW RFE

“Please submit additional document to establish how your employment for a private firm influences the field nationally.

Please submit copies of any published articles by other researchers citing or otherwise recognizing your research and/or contributions. “

**************** Obviously you are challenged with the second and third prongs of NIW.

You need be careful to address the second issue of NIW. If your work for a private company is confidential, it will be hard to convince officers how your work will influece the field in a national scope, that menas national interest waiver will probably not be granted.****

My background is a recent graduate PhD working for a private firm. Most of my journal papers are published recently, except two journal and several proceedings papers are published in the second half of 2004. As my field is relatively diverse, it normally takes longer time to build up citations, as compared to other fields such as bioscience. To date, I have three papers cited my work.

******* It is fine, just submit those citing papers (must be from independent authors) as they are clearly requested in your RFE***

However, I was recently selected as a reviewer to review a submitted paper as it cited one of my recent papers intensively. Unfortunately, I could not disclose it as it is confidential.

****** You can show editor's invitation letter as a reviewer. You may just submit the cover page of reviewed paper, instead of the whole paper, as evidence showing you are a reviewer for that paper.****

I also know a recent accepted paper cited this particular paper too, but I could not mention it because of the same reason.

****** a little bit confusing here, the accepted paper citing yours or the one you reviewed. If the former, then you can submit the cover page of that citation if you have a copy on hand. If the latter, then forget it, it has nothing to do with you****

Furthermore, my dissertation was sponsored by a government agency, and recently, this agency awarded a contract to several organizations mostly based on my work (among five references of the winning proposal, three are my papers) to transfer my technique to practical application. However, the winning proposal was not published because of proprietary information.

***** How do you know the agency awarded contacts based on your work. If you have the related documents to show that, just submit a copy of it. It will be better if you can get a letter from this government agency to testify that your work is in national interest.***

I heard that people show their papers are collected certain databases as an evidence of the significance of the work. Is it true or not?

***** Yes, i think you can if you can find.

Jusr for reference!!
