請問小白兔:How long does police certificate take?


I submitted fingerprints for Canadian immigration.
My check was cashed on March 20 but I still have not received police certificate from FBI.

Is it normal or do I have to re-do it to be safe?



回複:請問小白兔:How long does police certificate take? -californianiw- 給 californianiw 發送悄悄話 (122 bytes) () 04/12/2006 postreply 11:11:52

Is your fingerprint on card or form? where to obtain them? -monkey_bay- 給 monkey_bay 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2006 postreply 11:14:36

回複:Is your fingerprint on card or form? where to obtain them? -californianiw- 給 californianiw 發送悄悄話 (213 bytes) () 04/12/2006 postreply 12:42:41

回複:回複:Is your fingerprint on card or form? where to obtain -MeiGuoNongMin- 給 MeiGuoNongMin 發送悄悄話 (209 bytes) () 04/21/2006 postreply 16:05:35
