1. 隻有當你目前的EB3 140 批準後,PD 才保留. 隻要這個140 沒有被撤消, 你就可以永遠用它的PD.
2. 但你以後用它的PD到其它的140時, 你必須有與新的140相對應的基礎. 如新的140是基於LC的,必須有EB2 的LC. 然而如果新的140是基於 NIW, EB1, 或SCHECULE A的, 就可以直接FILE 而不必有LC了.
3.這是基於一個有好幾十年曆史的 REGULATION. 8 C.F.R. 204.5(e).
If you have an established PD based on your previous 140. You can use it in your EB1 filing, stating you want to use the PD of the previous 140 on your cover letter. And if the borrowed PD of your EB1 is current, you can file concurent 140/485. Lawyer has helped someone to file 485 using the rule to avoid a status crisis and CIS did accept the filing (did not return) under the fact that the cover letter reveals invoking the regulation. Consulting with a lawyer for the last part (485 filing part). A CIS policy may be slightly (indirectly) conflict with it. In the policy,both 140s need to approved to transfer underneach 485.
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03/14/2006 postreply