the necessary documents with him. from you message i guess that your LG is working in an academic institute. if you are not sure whether the docments are enouogh. usually the international personnel office have a list of the necessary documents, some school even will prepare the documents for their employees for return. if not, you can ask the people here. I know that one guy has had the exactly same situation like your LG. He is a H1 scholar with 485 pending, but without AP. Since he went home so rush that he didn't bring enough docments, and got a lot trouble with applying a new visa. but finally he is back.
and if your LG is working in federal organization(like a VA hospital), a support letter will be helpfll from them.
good luck you will get your LG back.
it should be ok. I hope he has all
Thanks!feeling a little better.
(162 bytes)
02/24/2006 postreply
回複:Thanks!feeling a little better.
(65 bytes)
02/24/2006 postreply