Still Trembling from the S. 1932 Shock Wave

來源: 129144 2005-12-19 16:11:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1925 bytes)
12/19/2005: Still Trembling from the S. 1932 Shock Wave

This reporter is still struggling to wake up from the bad dream that he had gone through. He keeps wondering why the big guys including fortune 500 businesses and large educational institutions more or less slipped away from the push after the passage of this bill in the Senate. In fact, there was a sign of switching gear from recapture issue to the comprehensive immigration reform and more or less accepted the idea that the visa numbers for legal immigration would be better off being a part of the comprehensive immigration reform process. They may realize by now probably it was one of their big mistakes.
This reporter keeps wondering what would happen to these businesses and this country if all of these foreign brain powers that take even 40% or higher of their brain pool decide to pack and leave this country over night. Without doubt, these companies including Microsfoft and Intel will have to shut down the business in a matter of days! What about these large higher learning institutions? All of their research institutions and programs that are operated by 40% or so of these foreign scientists and engineers must also be shut down in a matter of a few days. The shocks from which this reporter is trying to wake up are the huge "blind" spot and a big black hole in this country's leadership's mental process and lack of foresight and vision.
By next February or thereafter, they will realize that their turn of the strategy was misguided by the anti-immigration forces. "Divide and Conquer" and "Delay and Kill" strategies of these forces perfectedly worked.
It is a sad day but the process should never cease. After all, it is a part of the political "process" which should not end at a given time spot. We will wake up and continue the march afresh and more forcefully.



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