When I was interviewed the INS asked for more evidence from my employer to support my NIW application which I had not expected and was not told by the lawyer. INS officer at CSC was from South Asia I guess, speaking terrible English, gave me a hard time then. He said "to qualify NIW, which is a very high stardard, you have to do a teaching job" and then he consulted his supervisor, a very mean Caucasian guy, for support. That supoervisor said "even if you teach in Harvard it does not mean you are fine." And then the first one said, if you teach you will not comply with the category in which you are applying for green card. My backgroud is banking industry and I have been working for a small private bank in CA in last 3 years. Finally he concluded that "I am not denying you but you have to prove you can improve American Economy. You need a supporting letter from your employer."
I sent supporting letters from my employer and my lawyer with certified mail in one month after interview but got a denial letter in half a year claiming that INS did not receive what they required and my application was denied.
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• Thanks for your input! Enjoy -恭喜!- ♀ (22 bytes) () 12/01/2003 postreply 15:41:00