回複:現為H1, 老公為F1. 我不想幹了,要轉為F2, 是不是要等批下

Be careful, if you applied for Green card, your case may be denied, as F2, you can not show immigration intent, even you did not, it is safer that you got the approved notice to leave the H1, in case if you could not transfer to F2, you can stay with H1. Why don't you change to another job. I understand you well, as I tried to transfered to f2 from H1B before, but as filed for green card application, my lawyer told me my transfer will be denied, so I have to stick with my job till I got GC, what a painful time (3 years). Do what suits you best.


Very helpful. Thank you so much! -妙齋- 給 妙齋 發送悄悄話 妙齋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/05/2005 postreply 14:35:06
