
House Passed S. 1932, but...! Answer to Confusion on Passage of S. 1932 by House on 11/18/2005
Source: immigration-law.com

It appears that the immigrant community is terribly confused because the House passed not only H.R.4241 but also S.1932 right after passing H.R. 4241 after the midnight of 11/17/2005. It appears that the GOP intended to resolve the deficit reduction legislation as soon as possible and acted swiftly on S.1932 which was on the desk of the House Speaker.
Here is exactly what happened:
11/14/2005 6:02pm:
Received in the House.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
11/14/2005 7:16pm:
Held at the desk.
11/18/2005 1:50am:
Mr. Nussle asked unanimous consent to strike all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the provisions of H.R. 4241 as passed by the House.
11/18/2005 1:50am:
Considered by unanimous consent.
11/18/2005 1:50am:
H.AMDT.633 Amendment reported by the House Committee on Rules.
11/18/2005 1:50am:
H.AMDT.633 On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A002) Agreed to without objection.
11/18/2005 1:50am:
On passage Passed without objection.
11/18/2005 1:50am:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Message on House action received in Senate and at desk: House amendment to Senate bill.
The House passed S.1932 striking all the provisions in the S.1932 and inserting in lieu thereof H.R. 4241 as passed by the House that night! This House action was then sent to the Senate and at the desk of Senate President pro temp at this time. Because of the differences between the two bills, S. 1932 is expected to the Conference Committee after the Congress returns to the session on December 6, 2005. This means that the businesses, academic community, and immigrant community should focus on the House-Senate conference committee to resolve differences between the S. 1932 as passed by the Senate and the S.1932 as amended by the House. H.R. 4241 which was passed that night is merged into S. 1932 and out of the picture hereon. The Senators and the House members have returned to your community for the next two weeks and it is a golden opportunity for the supports of the original S. 1932 to contact their Congressional delegations in their community during this holiday season. The House Speaker and the GOP majority whips in the Senate and House will play an important role in the conference process.
It is hoped that this posting clears the confusion in the immigrant community.
