回複:回複:Cal't beleive it

來源: doshexh 2005-11-08 18:17:04 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (660 bytes)
回答: Cal't beleive itdoshexh2005-11-07 17:58:19
She graduated from a university in NJ four months ago. She is assistant professor of a small private university. She heard the backlog, and submitted her case with a hurry - 9/30. Her atterney told her to submit reccomemdation letter(s) "as many as you have", when she had only one, and that one was a photocopy. Afeter she submitted her case, I told her "you shouldn't do this, because the consequence will be denying". But much too my surprise, she called me yesterday, and told me that her I-140 was approved. I couldn't beleive my ear, but congradulated her. She applied EB-1 (outstanding research/professor). That's al the information I have here.


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