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I urge you to support the temporary relief that senate is trying to provide by releasing 90k visa numbers and 30k H1-B visas this year. The beneficiaries would be the people whose permanent labors are certified by the DOL (which proves that there are no Americans available or want to take these jobs) and are waiting to adjust their status since years. Please do not have them wait until all the immigration reforms are debated and passed. Although I believe strongly in comprehensive immigration reform, I urge you to support the Senate's proposal as an important first step toward an immigration system that better serves the interests of the U.S. economy. The Border security and illegal immigration are dangerous issues that should be discussed in a comprehensive reform. We are legally allowed to work under the H1-B program and paying taxes for years, thereby contributing to the American Economy. We are just trying to adjust to permanent residency and seeking the release of unused (NOT NEW) visa numbers. Please support and adopt the senate's version of text from the budget reconciliation bill and provide us some light.

What will the bill provide?

Proposal to Allow I-485 Filings While Priority Date Not Current
Proposal Adds 30,000 More H1Bs for an Increased Fee
Recapture Up to 90,000 Unused Visa Numbers Each Year
Exemption of All Dependents from the Visa Count

How are IT Workers, Health care professionals, Legal immigrants benefited?

Professionals with Legal status paying taxes, Medicare and social security for years will be able to file for adjustment of status without waiting years for visa numbers to become available. These professionals are already in USA and are filling those positions which are certified by the DOL that enough Americans are not available or willing to take the positions.
People are who are already working in USA and filed for 'Adjustment of Status' are not able to bring in their spouses from abroad due to retrogression. This bill will help to reunite such families.
Educated Spouses can start working on EAD's and contribute their share to the Nation's Economy.
Spouses and children can take up higher education at the Universities thereby contribute to a knowledgeable Society.
An H1-B holder should go back to his home country (or a third country - Mexico, Canada) to get his H1-B visa revalidated (renewal). For example, In India, the visa appointments are full for 6 months. If he goes to a third country for visa renewal, he should return back from there to the home country if his visa application is denied for some reason. Previously, the professionals just used to mail in their documents to a facility in St Louis to get visa renewal. That facility was closed last year. If this bill passes, the people can travel to their home country on advanced parole issued by the US Department of Home land Security. No more expenses and risks at third countries.
On the other side, some employers are taking advantage of the delays in Green card process. They are not willing to give salary hikes taking into view the point that the professional cannot change companies before the 140 gets approved and 180 days has passed after 485 filing(as per AC21 law). Otherwise the employee should start all his Green card Process again with some other employer. 485's cannot be filed when visa numbers are retrogressed. The AC21 is killed here. No competitiveness which AC21 hoped for. If this bill is passed , the AC21 will have a real meaning.

How is USA (Govt., Universities, Corporations, and Hospitals) benefited?

The professionals will contribute to the US Economy . They will spend the money in USA . If they are given a feel of stability they will buy new houses. These professionals will start new businesses that will provide more employment.
The jobs WILL stay in USA . The Corporations will not be forced to outsource them. The Industry will get more skilled and qualified professionals at reasonable pay rates. The pay rates are not cheap but reasonable. As per law, the Companies will have to pay 100% Prevailing wage.
We do not want to hide the facts. It is true that some companies are misusing the law and paying these professionals LEVEL 1 wage even when they are qualified for a LEVEL 4 wage. This practice needs to be fixed by the respective Federal Agencies.

The govt. will get $500 more on each recaptured visa number. This will be additional revenue of $60 million per year.
Almost half of the graduate students currently enrolled in the physical sciences and engineering at the United States universities come from other nations. With all due respect, please allow us to tell you what this statistics mean to this country. If this country fails to retain these scientists and engineers, they will take these technologies to foreign countries. The competing countries are sending all type of messages and winks to attract these scientists and engineers, not because they look cute or handsome or beautiful, but because they want to steal our technologies and knowledge through these scientists and engineers. The damage to this country in the long haul will be devastating. Without any doubt, you all love the United States of America as we do. The passage of the bill will stop the knowledge drain to other countries. In this context we would like to remind about what, Mr. Tom Ridge, ex chief of Homeland Security said in April 14, 2003 " as we secure America from terrorists, we do not want to risk losing the next Enrico Fermi or Albert Einstein…We would be a far poorer nation in many, many ways ." He served this country at a time when the terrorism was more pressing issue for this nation, than today.
The American Industry needs the professionals. But why should the professionals come here and take all this hard ships -just for money? They do not know if they will be allowed to settle here. They will not be able to decide if they can buy a house here. When a person cannot setup a peaceful home for ever, what is the goal? Where is the light? The Green Card process with added processing delays is encouraging some Immigration Attorneys to make big money . If these people get fed up and decide to return back, does that not affect American Industry negatively? There are developed countries like Canada, Australia, Singapore and UK whose immigration policies are more open and these countries are making them friendlier for professionals.


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