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回答: 回複:參議院通過了!205722005-11-03 13:44:37

Thank you for your efforts on this issue! Please continue to lead on this action. Do you have any samples to be sent to house representatives? I got the following sample from This is a very good and useful web site.

Sample file :

> > SUBJECT: PLEASE SUPPORT Section 8001, "Recapture of
> > unused visa
> > numbers", of the Senate Deficit Reduction Omnibus
> > Reconciliation Act
> > of 2006
> > *****************
> > I am a concerned high-skilled professional and a
> > legally residing tax
> > payer in U.S. I urge you to vote in support of the
> > Senate
> > modifications incorporated in Reduction Omnibus
> > Reconciliation Act of
> > 2006 (S. 1932) passed by the Senate. Besides
> > incorporating the House
> > recommendations of increasing the L-1 visa fees,
> > Section.
> > 8001. "Recapture of unused visa numbers", has
> > provisions that serve
> > to alleviate the problems of the American industry
> > and numerous
> > applicants. The action taken by the Senate Judiciary
> > Committee
> > proposes an increase in revenue by recapturing
> > USED, visa numbers for foreign workers with key
> > skills in jobs for
> > which U.S. workers are not available.
> >
> > 1) It may be noted that professionals who will be
> > considered for
> > these recaptured visa numbers, in most cases, are
> > already employed in
> > U.S. companies for the
> > last 4-6 years. They have been certified by the U.S.
> > Department of
> > Labor as high-skilled workers who will not be
> > displacing existing
> > American workers in the market. These applicants
> > also have been
> > certified to be highly qualified and suitable for
> > the positions
> > that the immigration opportunity is for.
> > 2) The version proposed by the Senate Judiciary
> > Committee has fee
> > increases for L-1 as recommended by the House
> > Judiciary Committee. It
> > also proposes to raise the revenue from the
> > recaptured visas.
> > 3) The Senate Judiciary package would recapture
> > UNUSED employment
> > based visas. This enables the U.S. industry to
> > attract and retain the
> > best talent from around the world, which is a major
> > factor for
> > American competitiveness. Arbitrary quotas on
> > employment-based green
> > cards for highly educated and skilled workers would
> > jeopardize
> > America's ability to attract and retain best
> > talent—and ultimately
> > jobs—in the United States.
> > 4) The Senate Judiciary proposal permits the filing
> > of I-485
> > application without having to wait for the priority
> > date to become
> > current. If this important proposal is not passed it
> > hurts many
> > highly skilled and qualified professionals currently
> > holding key
> > positions in the U.S. Without the ability to file
> > for I-485 many
> > qualified professionals will be forced
> > to leave the U.S. and return back to their own
> > countries taking
> > highly specialized knowledge and experience with
> > them. This is a
> > major long term disadvantage for the US.
> >
> > I, hereby urge you to vote in support of Section
> > 8001, "Recapture of
> > unused visa numbers", of the Senate Deficit
> > Reduction Omnibus
> > Reconciliation Act of 2006 when it comes up for
> > consideration. Your
> > vote will not only address the issue of deficit
> > reduction but will
> > also ensure that the United States of America will
> > be in the
> > forefront of science and technology and will retain
> > the best talent
> > from around the world.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > XYZ




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