
來源: wangzhan 2005-11-03 12:53:45 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5853 bytes)

留學美國是無數中國學子的夢想。TOFEL, GRE或GMAT等這些考試根本難不倒我們聰明勤奮的中國學生, 入學獎學金也往往不是問題。真正令中國學子擔憂的不是這些考試入學程序,而是赴美簽證。由於種種原因,很多出類拔萃的中國學生在申請赴美簽證時常常被莫名其妙地拒簽,一些正在美國讀書的留學生在幸運獲得赴美簽證後, 由於經常聽說種種關於簽證難的傳言也不敢在讀書期間回國。可能是針對這一情況,美國國務院昨天剛剛出台了一個有利於學生獲得簽證的說明,對簽證官的未來工作具有指導性的意義。 對廣大中國學子來說,這無疑是一個利好消息。


簽證官不得以申請人將要就讀的學校不好為由拒絕申請人的申請。法律麵前校校平等,不管是申請人將要就讀哈佛耶魯,還是不為人知的社區大學, 簽證官都應該一視同仁。社區大學也好,英語語言學校也好,還是常春藤名校也好,隻要申請人的理由合理充分,簽證官不應歧視。


簽證官在審批學生簽證時,應著眼於申請人的當前意向, 而不是主觀臆想申請人幾年後可能變化的意向。簽證官可以設想某申請人在完成學業後留美不歸,現實生活中這樣的例子也比比皆是,但是,隻要該申請人在申請簽證時表達出學完歸國的意向,簽證官就沒有理由拒絕該申請人的申請。該說明指出,學生簽證申請人往往都比較年輕,思想還沒有成熟。每個人都是在不斷地變化,簽證官沒有理由基於未來變化的不確定性拒絕申請人的當前申請。相反,簽證官應該考慮年輕人未必有成熟的移民美國的意向。


說明強調,簽證官應該積極為留學生回美簽證廣開綠燈,讓他們能夠自由往返, 毫無後顧之憂。如果某留學生在上次簽證後的情況沒有顯著變化,簽證官不應該拒絕該學生的回美簽證。說明指出,如果一個學生覺得回母國後再次申請赴美簽證難度極大,他/她就不願意在求學期間離開美國,這樣隻會使該學生與他/她的母國漸行漸遠。在完成學業後,他/她可能會擔心適應不了母國的新變化而不願回國。

在一千三百年前的唐代,大詩人李白曾經寫下“蜀道之難,難於上青天”的詩句。如果李白活到今天,他可能會改為感歎“赴美之難,難於上青天”。我們期待著,美國國務院的此次說明能夠移走橫亙在赴美申請人心上的簽證大山,或者至少搬走幾塊大石頭,讓眾多申請人及留學生們能夠輕鬆一些。我們也拭目以待, 希望美國各使館在實踐中,上述說明能夠得以實施。

F-1 VISAS – A Few Things to Keep in Mind When Applying for a Student Visa

By: Beth Robertie, Associate

In some, but not all, non-immigrant visa categories, there is a requirement
that the alien beneficiary maintain a residence abroad that they have no
intention of abandoning. This requirement is found in the B, J, M, O-2, P, Q,
and F visa classifications. For many F visa applicants, who are hoping to
come to the United States to begin or continue their higher education, this
requirement presents a difficult situation. Because the F classification is
reserved for students, many F applicants are young and lack substantial
financial resources. For applicants in this situation, providing the
necessary assurances can seem like an impossible task. However, there are a
few things an F-1 applicant should keep in mind:

1. Present intent is the controlling factor.

The alien beneficiary’s intent is adjudicated based on present intent, not on
what might happen in the future. As long as the beneficiary can demonstrate
that at the time of the application, they intend to return to their home
country, they should not have a problem.

2. Residence abroad requirement is considered in a broader light for F-1s.

Students will generally have a harder time demonstrating the ties that the
USCIS would generally require from a business traveler, for example.
Therefore, the alien beneficiary should emphasize that their immediate intent
is to return to their home.

3. Students have a right to chose where they will obtain an education if
accepted by a school.

The alien beneficiary has no obligation to establish the prestige or
usefulness of their chosen course of study. Even if the alien beneficiary’s
home country offers equivalent quality courses in the same subject matter, or
there is little or no employment opportunity in the alien beneficiary’s
country of residence in their chosen study area, these factors should not
weight against the approval of an F visa. While, in reality, it will likely
make the process easier if the beneficiary can demonstrate the usefulness of
their course of study in their home country, Consular officers are instructed
not to consider the lack of such usefulness a negative factor. As long as the
alien beneficiary has been accepted by a school that is specifically approved
by DHS, has a SEVIS Form I-20 issued by the school, and can document their
ability to pay for their educational and living expenses while in the U.S. ,
their visa application should be approvable, barring other complications.

4. Returning student visas are generally reissued in the normal course of

Generally, the USCIS encourages an F-1 visa holder to maintain ties with
their country of origin. As such, they will usually facilitate the reissuance
of student visas during the course of study.


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