Watch out for background check

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My gf holding H1B, hardware engineer, got stucked for 2 months and still waiting in china to come back. Technology transfer is what U.S. is checking. Make sure your resume, employee documentation do not relate to the TAL ( technology alert list ), sometime the consulate go even futher, in my gf's case , she is in telecom, not even under TAL, but still got checked and stucked. I called Washinton DC and the words is, her name is similar to some names on the black list, and it will take another few months to clear,.........f*cking sucks, caused lots stress and trouble for our life.


thanks,wish her good luck -藍毛毛蟲- 給 藍毛毛蟲 發送悄悄話 (16 bytes) () 11/24/2003 postreply 07:31:00



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