seem that the congress has started to consider this problem. As noted in the article: "We look forward to working with the House towards adoption of a similar measure."
Usually a similar bill is needed to be proposed in the congress, then it will be decided whether and when there can be a vote, according to the Congress's schedule.
For such a big issue of immigration, it will still take some time and effort for the Congress to pass the bill. The items in the Senate bill related to us doesn't seem to be controversal, and it would be very hard for a congressman/woman to reject them, especially which so many stronger forces pushing them. But this might not be true for some other items in the Senate bill. Well, who cares:)
The last step will be the President. But he shouldn't be a problem.
So I will have to wait like you for more messages.
From this message, it doesn't
Usually, senate is
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10/20/2005 postreply
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10/20/2005 postreply
回複:From this message, it doesn't
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10/20/2005 postreply