Here is the reason

本文內容已被 [ GREEN--C ] 在 2004-02-03 07:16:50 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

That's so called "Visa Auto-Revalidation". It means that if your Visa Status (F1, H1, ...) is same as your Visa Stamp on your passport, you may come back to US without a valid visa stamp if you travel to Canada/Mexico within 30 days.

Although you have changed your visa staus from F-1 to H-1 within US, your visa stamp is still F-1.

Last year, when you traveled to Canada, your Visa Status is H-1, but your Visa Stamp is F-1. You were NOT eligible to get Visa Auto-Revalidation at the border even if you left US less than 30 days. You need a H-1 stamp on your passport at that time. You still can come-in only because the CustomOfficer is NICE!

Be aware next time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
