本人隻回答你最後的問題,我認為工作的穩定最重要,隻有這個保證,才可談別的,尤其在現在green card 這麽難辦的時候。你應抓緊時間如果換工作,becasue I dont' think you want to process your green card until last minute, right? you never know what are going to happen later, leave more time for yourself. hope help.
本人隻回答你最後的問題,我認為工作的穩定最重要,隻有這個保證,才可談別的,尤其在現在green card 這麽難辦的時候。你應抓緊時間如果換工作,becasue I dont' think you want to process your green card until last minute, right? you never know what are going to happen later, leave more time for yourself. hope help.
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