Cananda: document preparation?

來源: lxx1077 2005-10-17 15:25:16 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (669 bytes)
Please help me with following questions when applying Canada Immigration:
1. I made "Notory of no criminal record" in China years ago before came to America, qustion is: can I use that this notory, or have to re-do it since the guide line requests record WITHIN 3 MONTHS?

2. Do I have to notorize all the Working expereince particularlly gained in China, providing I am not really depend on those experiences as I already worked more than 4 years in USA?

3.Do I need to notorize all the degrees/deploma gained in China and USA? providing I can providing originally sealed and stamped degree/deploma copies provided by University?

Thanks ALOT!


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