There is a Beautiful Chinese Saying
"A person who does not stand for something, Falls for Everything"
If we keep on working and do not worry about retrogression, we will not reach anywhere
What if you get laid off?
What if your Visa Status is Over??
Best thing a person can do is
Join the Movement in Curing Retrogression
I have also created Signature for all My Outgoing Mails like Zedong
Everyone Must Do
United We Stand
We Stay Together. We Survive
Please Participate in the HUB Plan
It has reached this stage after such a great effort by Ritarege
Please Dont Let our Leader's down who are working so hard behind the scenes
for all of your future
Please do not be selfish
Contribute to the Group
Bring more of your friends
Bring everyone in your company who is waiting for GC to our Group
Together we need to win this.
And This Task has been assigned to You, So If You dont do something
Nobody else will
Yes, Each and Every Person needs to participate and work hard in all the Plans
Go Techworkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Signature Until I see Priority Dates "C" in All Employment Based Categories for All Countries
United We Stand
Please Support our Group to Remove Retrogression at
For More Information on What is Retrogression:-
Go Techworkers!