回複:H1 transfering from noncap to

來源: 著急不著急 2005-09-27 12:36:16 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (848 bytes)
回答: Please tell me more.. Thanks!著急不著急2005-09-27 09:05:26
Following is previous discussion regarding this issue:

Q:我現在在Non-Profit Research Institute 工作,想轉到PROFIT COMPANY。 我這種情況是要受配額限製,但是我不清楚新公司 H1B 的申請手續是否還屬於TRANSFER,
比較簡單,隻要配額還有就行, 還是在申請H1B的程序上什麽特殊的地方?另外在申請費用上會有什麽不同嗎? 懇請各位大俠指教。

A: I am in the same situation and just sent out my documents to lawyer this morning. my understanding is that it is a regular transfer except we need to wait for the extra 20,000 quota. hope this helps.

As for the H1 renewal pending, the company's lawyer said the same thing as you. Since I am in Unversity, didn't expect an offer coming this time, I simply just submit my h1 renewal and continue to work.
Anyway, have to be patient.

Thank you so much for your information!


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