我的律師看起來還很nice, 但是她有好幾個助理, 每個case 他給你一個助理作為聯係人,我們有啥問題都找助理,並且也是助理準備我們的表格,最後律師看一下簽個字。
交140的時候, 那個助理非常好,辦事快,準確。什麽事情都讓我們知道的清清楚楚。 但是,她在昨晚我們的140 後就去上law school了。 所以,就換了一個新來的助理給我們。
惡夢也就從此開始了,我的EB-2 140 是8月底批的,然後我們立即聯係她,她盡然說已經排期了, 我不能辦485。還有回答我們另外幾個問題的答案都是錯的!看起來她啥事不懂。最後終於和律師說上了話,律師說可以交485,因為10月才排期。
我們早就給了她所有的材料,包括medical exam, 她遲遲不給我們表格。 最後,上星期,終於給我們了,一看錯誤滿篇,我們當天就給他把修改好的表格,FAX to her. then she didn't send us the revised one untill several days later. she mailed us the form ask us to sign, we found out still lot of mistake, even something was correct in the first draft, but was wrong in the final form. We really worried so we drove 60 miles away to their office to save save time and make sure she get it right. She only spoke to us 1 min and all she said was "i don't have time". she was very rude. after we got back she emailed us that we forget bring in a form. actually she didn't send us that form at all and want to blame on us. but anyway, we print out that form,signed and send to here fedex overnight. now after several days, she still has not sent out our file.
even worse is that the lawer send us email, saying we interrupt them too much and we are charged for 15 mins for that 1 min visit. so obvisouly, 他跑到律師那惡人先告狀了。
真後悔, 沒有FIRE the lawer earlier and file 485 by ourself.
Now what should I do? fire the lawer, file by ourself? will they refund our money for the 485 filling?
help please!
• 回複:怎麽對付這個律師? -WITopinion- ♀ (295 bytes) () 09/16/2005 postreply 07:32:12
• 回複:回複:怎麽對付這個律師? -sdgfasgag- ♀ (22 bytes) () 09/16/2005 postreply 09:32:56
• 回複:怎麽對付這個律師? -diy......- ♀ (102 bytes) () 09/16/2005 postreply 09:53:28
• 回複:回複:怎麽對付這個律師? -sdqwtr23t4- ♀ (51 bytes) () 09/16/2005 postreply 09:58:21
• 回複:回複:回複:怎麽對付這個律師? -BelieveGod- ♀ (14 bytes) () 09/16/2005 postreply 10:30:31
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:怎麽對付這個律師? -sxde4t6234- ♀ (29 bytes) () 09/16/2005 postreply 10:51:22
• 考,你還會說點人話不? -這壇子裏就煩你- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/16/2005 postreply 11:17:48