Urgent: I-485 filling

Hello folk,

I have submitted NIW-140 petition on Aug 2, 2005. The NIW petition is still pending. Can I submit I-485 now?

also some question about the I-485 form:
In Part 2: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
Which should I choose?
For my wife, which one should she choose?

Part 3:
What is the Visa number?
I come to USA with F1 visa and is now with H1B [have not left the US since came here] .
There are two numbers inthe F1 Visa: one is called control Number.
The other one is printed in red ink.
Which is the Visa number?

Also, is there anyone who has the checklist for I-485?
Please paste a checklist here.

Thanks for your reply.



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