re-post: prevailing wage

Dear all friends,

LAst week, I sent the Prevailing Wage (PW) request form to the address for PW determination. Then it was approved today but a message is attached as followed. I don't understand what they asked me to do. Please help me and point out the points of this messaage. Thank you so much.

REMINDER: A request for Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration review of this prevailing wage determination must be sent to this office within 30 days of the determination date above. The request must set forth the particular grounds for review and include a copy of the PW determination. An employer-provided alternative survey submitted subsequent to a prevailing wage determination based on the OES survey, or materials submitted as the single opportunity to provide supplemental information, must also be included. Your request will be forwarded to the Certifying Officer, DOL/ETA within 20 days of receipt.

Please send request for review to:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Division of Career Services
Prevailing Wage Unit
19 Staniford Street, Boston MA 02114.
