
本文內容已被 [ maysam ] 在 2004-02-03 07:14:29 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

我剛在網上查到我的 status 從 in process 改為 ``Decision has made
on your application, and the officer will contact you soon." I think
it means my immigration has been approved and immigration will be issued

My procedures are:

Aril 2002, submission to BUFFALO
Nov. 2002, first letter including file number
July 2003, second letter asking for medical exams,
updating documents, landing fee, without
interview but asking for English test.
Aug. 2003, medical exams
Sept. 2003, updated documents, e.g., police certificate, reference
letter from cureent employer.
(I did not take English test, but
wrote an report of explaining how I use and study
English with surprting documents)
Dec. 6, 2003, decision has made.


回複:可以谘詢你的條件? -十分感謝!!- 給 十分感謝!! 發送悄悄話 (53 bytes) () 12/10/2003 postreply 12:54:00
