All war is based on deception: When able to attack, we must pretend to be incapable; When employing forces, we must seem inactive; When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far; Offer bait to lure him; If he appears humble, make him arrogant; If he is rested, wear him down; If his forces are united, divide them; Take action when it is unexpected.
占中提前,以及在反占中假簽名運動後的回避,都是;“When employing forces, we must seem inactive”與 “Take action when it is unexpected”的優秀結合。警方連水炮車都沒有預先布置在戰略要點,警員還在休假。所以,占中力量頭兩天是占據上風。
之後,占中方錯誤連出。分散力量以擴大效果。但是,旺角是魚龍混雜之地,並不是爭取民主的戰略根據地。住在旺角的居民沒有多少人是同情對抗政府的,為兩鬥米生計就會對占領人士開火。分散也幫政府實現了“If his forces are united, divide them”。
北京在國慶假日得到冷靜待變的機會,並實行了“If he appears humble, make him arrogant; If he is rested, wear him down。”讓一幫年輕的學生大放厥詞,什麽最後通牒都出來了。連日來沒有成果。天氣,加上旺角的連續肢體碰撞,占中方已經疲態顯漏。
• 嗯,好似都幾有道理。 -封我又如何- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/03/2014 postreply 23:28:44
• 厲害,我會像民運總部匯報,提拔你為軍師,好好幹! -飛熊- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/04/2014 postreply 00:28:54
• 哈哈,你應該當佔中花元帥,負責遍地開花。 -倚案旁觀- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/04/2014 postreply 16:57:14