An auspicious omen

I was late about 8 pm, when I looked on the sky. I spotted an image formed by rosy or auroral clouds shined by setting sun. It roughly resembles a rider on a jumpping horse:

It was bright and full of energy. At the beginning, it does not complete a whole horse for I expected a galloping pose, legs extended, later I agreed with its jumpping pose, and its angle is more close to prancing see picture. 

The jumpping is to jump over an obstacle.

The prancing showed more hight, but no rider, means independent.

This auspicious omen I regarded as 天人感應,就是有智慧的人都感覺得到天道循環的變化,而作出 應的意思。

  • 天人之學=天機+人事。

  • 天人之學在生活。

  • 《周易》也就是使我們學曉感應外界的變化,而懂得「隨機」而「應變」,從而獲得「順景」的哲學。

  • 明白天道世道,通曉人情世故,便能「與時偕行」。

  • ?


  • 還是難得一笑,再試試--what is the trick
  • 一無是處 vs 不改初衷
  • 考考儂,細心發現一下: what is a little trick in this arrangement
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