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英國的勞埃德銀行集團(LloydsBanking Group) 6月份已宣布裁員1.5萬人,而自金融危機爆發以來已裁員2.8萬人的蘇格蘭皇家銀行(RBS),預計還將進一步精簡人數。

幾個月來,巴克萊(Barclays)一直在裁員,其投行部門巴克萊資本(Barclays Capital)自1月份以來已在全球範圍裁員約600人,而該行零售部門則裁員近2000人。

美國投行高盛(Goldman Sachs)是6月份首家宣布大規模裁員的銀行。該行表示,由於固定收益交易部門表現糟糕,計劃裁員1000人。




                               HSBC set to cut 10,000 jobs

HSBC is set to shed at least 10,000 jobs,or about 3 per cent of its headcount, as the global banking group implementssweeping cost cuts aimed at reversing falling revenues.

The cuts are part of a broad overhaulthat analysts estimate could see up to 30,000 jobs eliminated over time, mostof them outside the UK.The bank, which unveils first-half figures on Monday, is preparing to shutalmost half of its 86 global retail businesses and reshape its commercial andinvestment banking divisions.

Stuart Gulliver, HSBC chief executive, isunder pressure to provide more details on where the axe will fall after settingout broad plans to cut costs by up to $3.5bn over three years.

The HSBC job losses build on the grimtrend that swept through Europe last week.

Credit Suisse and UBS, the big Swis*****anks, announced deep cost-cutting programmes amid deteriorating markets andconcern over the spiralling sovereign debt crisis.

At UBS, as many as 5,000 jobs are set togo across the group, including the bank’s wealth management arm. Credit Suisseis eliminating about 2,000 jobs, largely in its investment bank.

In the UK Lloyds Banking Group, announced15,000 job losses in June while Royal Bank of Scotland, which has already shed28,000 staff since the financial crisis, is expected to further prune itsheadcount.

Barclays has been shedding staff formonths with Barclays Capital, its investment banking arm, cutting about 600people worldwide since January and its retail business losing almost 2,000.

Goldman Sachs, the US investmentbank, was the first to announce a substantial cull of jobs in June, saying itwas trimming 1,000 jobs after a poor performance by its fixed-income tradingdivision.


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我才吃了默道克的肥雞餐:( -QSU- 給 QSU 發送悄悄話 QSU 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/31/2011 postreply 18:40:07

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hahaaaaa -似曾相識- 給 似曾相識 發送悄悄話 似曾相識 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/31/2011 postreply 21:31:10

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