

















                                                               IMF warns US of debt ‘shock’

The International Monetary Fund haswarned of a “severe shock” to global financial markets if the US does notmove quickly to increase its borrowing authority, adding pressure on Congressand the White House to clinch a deal on fiscal policy.

In its annual report on US economicpolicy, the IMF cited “unfavourable fiscal outcomes” as one of the key dangersto the country’s economic outlook.

“These could take the form of a suddenincrease in interest rates and/or a sovereign downgrade if an agreement onconsolidation does not materialise or the debt ceiling is not raised soonenough,” the IMF said.

It added: “These risks would also havesignificant global repercussions, given the central role of US Treasury bondsin world financial markets.”

The US Treasury department has said thatif Congress does not raise the debt limit – currently at $14,300bn – the US would runout of cash to pay its obligations and could default as early as August 2. ButRepublicans and Democrats in Congress and the White House have so far beenunable to break the political impasse surrounding fiscal policy, as they sparover spending levels and taxation. Republicans have been resisting an increasein the debt ceiling to extract deeper spending cuts and fiscal reforms, whileopposing any tax increases.

After the IMF statement on the US was released, John Lipsky, acting managingdirector, said he was “confident that the participants are well aware of thepotential risks of a debt default in the US and will avoid those dangers”.

Mr Lipsky added: “It should beself-evident a debt default by the US government . . . would have veryserious, far-reaching, dramatic repercussions and that’s why we’re confidentthat it will be avoided.”

With the heat rising over the debtceiling, Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, sent a letter to a group ofRepublicans in the Senate arguing that there was no leeway for the Obamaadministration to prevent a default by simply prioritising interest paymentsover the federal government’s other payments.

Some Republicans have accused the WhiteHouse of “scare tactics” over the debt ceiling, suggesting that even if no dealis reached by early August, the impact would be more like a partial governmentshutdown than a true default because of the Treasury department’s discretion tomake certain payments ahead of others.

“This ‘prioritisation’ proposal advocatesa radical and deeply irresponsible departure from commitments by presidents ofboth parties, throughout American history, to honour all of the commitments thenation has made,” Mr Geithner said. “It is unwise, unworkable, unacceptablyrisky and unfair to the American people. There is no alternative to enactmentof a timely increase in the debt limit,” he told senators, including MitchMcConnell, the minority leader.

In its report, the IMF said striking theright balance on fiscal policy represented the main challenge facing USeconomic officials. The fund said fiscal consolidation needed to proceed andlosing fiscal credibility could be very damaging, and is recommending thatdeficit reduction should begin next year – with the overall effort to includeboth spending cuts and tax increases through the elimination of specialincentives and deductions.

But on the other hand, the IMF cautionedagainst deep and immediate savings, saying that “an excessively large upfrontfiscal adjustment could also significantly weaken domestic demand”. The IMF isexpecting the USeconomy to grow at a rate of 2.5 per cent this year, accelerating to 2.7 percent in 2012 and 2013.

Among the other risks to the outlookbesides fiscal policy, the IMF cited the weak housing market, the potential fora commodity price shock, tight credit supply and the European sovereign debtwoes.12
