













馬克思在其著作《德意誌意識形態》(German Ideology)裏,描述了一位對生活感到滿足的人:他上午打獵,下午捕魚,晚上從事哲學批判。選定一行(當兵?)並堅持幹下去:你很快就會飛黃騰達,此外,在你遭遇到人生中不可避免的逆境時,你的這段經曆會變成你的內在財富——那些學營銷的人不僅缺乏、而且根本無從知曉這種財富。



















                                                                      Why can’t I get a job?

The problem

In 2009, I graduated from a top-tier US university with a degree in European history and since then I have struggled to find work in the US. I tried civilian intelligence, then finance and venture capital everything from sales to being a police officer. Now, in despair, I am enlisting in the swollen US military. I believe my liberal arts education has given me a good basis for joining the workforce (I also speak Russian) but it seems employers do not agree. They prefer candidates from a state university with qualifications in business or marketing. What has gone wrong?

Unemployed, male, 25

Lucys answer

Quite a lot has gone wrong. Supply and demand are against you: there are too many history graduates and not enough jobs. Unless your degree is from a super-top university (Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, etc) employers are not going to be terribly impressed by your piece of paper.

In career terms your degree has been a waste of time. It has not prepared you for the workforce at all: writing essays about Bismarck or the causes of the Crimean war is no grounding for the world of spreadsheets and marketing campaigns.

That isnt to say that you wasted your three years. If I were your mother, I wouldnt have discouraged you from studying history in fact my own daughter is doing just that. But unlike you, she has no expectation that her degree will lead to gainful employment. I just phoned her to check whether she thought it would be easy to find a job when she graduated. Obviously not, she replied, as if this were the dumbest question she had ever been asked.

The point of a history degree is not to get a job at the end of it but to broaden the mind, to learn to write a proper sentence something that, though good in itself, is neither necessary nor sufficient to get on in corporate life. Three or four years at university should also leave you weary of mooching round as a penniless student and ready for a proper job.

What has gone doubly wrong in your case is not so much the job market but your approach to it. It is perfectly normal to be clueless on leaving university but you need to get better at faking it. By casting about between sales, the police force and banking, you reduce your chances of being taken on by any of them. It would have been better to concentrate on one area and then find out what you needed in order to be hired. Another degree? An internship? No employer wants to employ anyone whatever degree they might have if that person cant even pretend they are gagging for the job.

For now, being in the military sounds like a good scheme. Even if you only learn what you dont want to do with your life, that will be a start. At least youll be picking up some skills that really do help in the workforce. Like doing what you are told

Your advice

Marxist advice

In his German Ideology, Marx described the fulfilled man as hunting in the morning, fishing in the afternoon and philosophising in the evening. Go into something (the military?) and stick with it: you will rise rapidly, and in the inevitable times of adversity in your life you will have internal resources which those who studied marketing will not only lack but be quite unaware of. Anon, male

Stop whining

I suspect you come across as an overprivileged whiner, in which case the military might be perfect for you. Trust me, as a liberal arts major myself (classics) and former military officer, you cant beat the military for your first job after university.  Vice-president, male, 40

Become a barista

You seem to be labouring under the delusion that a degree in European history is worth anything in todays job market or ever. Let me disabuse you of that notion. What you have is a would-you-like-a-flavour-shot-in-your-latte degree. Since youre fluent in Russian, I would recommend sending your resume to Starbucks. You could be slinging lattes and macchiatos in Moscow.  Ex-barista, female, 40

Get on with it

In a recession with a degree that is not immediately usable youve had an unlucky start. But its not as bad as being born with a cleft palate in Rwanda. Go to a career consultant to clarify the job youll be good at. Then get it.  Retired FD, male

Wise up

I quite sympathise. I was controller of a San Francisco company and now Im told to take a hike for book-keeper jobs because I dont have a business degree (I also speak Russian, coincidentally). Instead of the military, do what Im doing and get your MBA. Anon, male

Sue for stupidity

Brush up on law and sue your careers adviser and history teacher for not talking you out of a silly expensive degree in a worthless subject. Anon


如果他現在美國,去當兵或許是最好的選擇。 -Irene8899- 給 Irene8899 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2011 postreply 19:29:16
