
來源: 思想者蹲著 2011-03-07 17:38:10 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (10965 bytes)
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如今,中國已是世界最大的建築市場。因此對房地產投資者而言,應該進軍二線城市,對吧?不,瑞信(Credit Suisse)表示,這是一個價值陷阱。









                                                        China’s Tier 2 property trap

      Chinas tier 2 cities are where its at. Cities like Chongqing, Nanjing and Wuhan are growing faster then Beijing and Shanghai, while their residents are more optimistic about their income and more likely to buy big ticket items.

And now China is the worlds top market for construction. So for property investors tier 2 is the place to be, right? No, says Credit Suisse, its a value trap.

The logic is pretty straight-forward. Residential construction in tier 2 cities is leading to an oversupply of stock and frothy land prices both of which put downward pressure on developers margins. And thats before tightening measures and property speculation curbs currently being trialled in various cities get rolled out across the board.

The evidence is pretty compelling.

On oversupply, Credit Suisse looked at the the housing stock and divided it by the demand thus coming up with a calculation of how many years it will take for housing built in the last three years to be sold.

In Shenzhen Chinas booming city-built-from-nothing on the border with Hong Kong the housing backlog should be cleared in just one year the quickest rate in the survey. But in Dalian another port port city in Chinas northeast the figure is 7.5 years. In Wuhan, its up to eight years.

For frothy land prices the calculations are pretty simple how fast are land prices rising compared to property prices? In some cities the divergence is pretty stark. In Wuhan, for example, property prices rose less than 10 per cent in 2010. Land prices, however, rose around 30 per cent. Developers it seems, are paying too much for the ingredients, which is pushing margins in some cities into the negative.

Credit Suisse handily sums it all up with a ranking of the top 10 tier 2 cities to avoid: (See picture)



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