Or: if the guy can come to HK as an expat, or be hired by a firm (in HK) with some kind of expat package.
It's generally true that "混得好的人,沒誰願意離開本土。洋人也一樣,離開本土的洋人,一般意義上都混得普通。" but sometimes people are bored by one place and wanted to venture. that's why many americans/canadians went to asia / affrica, money is not their first priority. It may be difficult for most chinese to comprehend.
Because most people 沒誰願意離開本土。 That's why expats in HK are well paid for their living allowance in HK.
Companies need to compensate those expats to move them to Asia/a foreign country. some of expats pay a rental higher than their own salary, if they have 3-4 kids. because the company's allowrance level is set with the person's rank + wife + number of kids, not to mention the international school fee.
many american/british expats live in hk in a life style that they cannot afford in US.
life will be very enjoyable if he can come to hk as an expat,
• 也不可一概而論,,, -周夢蝶- ♀ (0 bytes) () 06/13/2010 postreply 02:51:59