if you don't have to pay for yourself, pls use senta fe.
otherwise, pls get a quotation.
otherwise, pls check out asia tigers (which is very good and more reasonable if comparing with senta fe), but i don't know if they do asia-US (assume you are moving to US).
senta fe is very good & expensive(?)
• 我們是去法國 -周夢蝶- ♀ (94 bytes) () 05/20/2010 postreply 09:00:11
• 法國東西挺貴的, 你能多帶點就多帶點啦。 -somersetgarden- ♀ (84 bytes) () 05/21/2010 postreply 05:12:56
• 呃 -周夢蝶- ♀ (20 bytes) () 05/21/2010 postreply 05:38:54
• hk最便宜的是菲傭, 不知你能帶不?有人是帶著菲傭回美加的。 -pisces-hk- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/21/2010 postreply 21:43:25
• 介個,估計隻有兩個辦法 -周夢蝶- ♀ (134 bytes) () 05/22/2010 postreply 03:22:22