
本帖於 2010-05-26 20:10:25 時間, 由版主 hkhk 編輯


Matthew Lee, the acting director of CPRO,DBA program director, and associate dean of college of business. Matthew had the honour to present the special quest of honour Frederick Ma, the former Secretary of Commerce and Economic Development, but he mistakenly introduced Ma as the former financial secretary. When the audience roared, Matthew tried, rather clumsily, to cover his ignorance by arguing that the 2 functions are not much different.
(news) 隻是城市大學傳訊及公關處署理處長李國安教授竟令馬教授「比成功更成功」,他在致歡迎辭時,竟錯誤介紹馬時亨曾做過「財政司司長」,即時令全場嘩然。當李教授恍然大悟後,急急「補鑊」說:「稱號隻是我們自己加上的,他曾做的工作也差不多相當於財政司的工作吧!」

DBA director is so out of touch!

If you judge which business school is more likely to give you quality education, you can read the Dean's Message to find some clues. Among all the Dean's Messages, the one written by the Dean of CoB in CityU is the worst. It not only has multiple grammatical errors (such as a sub-clause of a sentence that begins with "As we assessing" rather than "As we are assessing") and awkward structures that make the message ambiguous, it also fails to address any unique feature of the program. On the other hand, the one written by the Dean of CUHK is much better. It articulates the strength and teaching philosophy of the program.


Are you hired by CUHK? -潛水小雨- 給 潛水小雨 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2010 postreply 02:49:33

回複:城市大學的笑話! -ttt2008- 給 ttt2008 發送悄悄話 (260 bytes) () 05/27/2010 postreply 06:36:14
