i have just given it to a friend

my baby had slept in the cot from the very beginning, and il has served for quite several monthes, until the little monster suddenly refused to sleep alone ,,,and the cot became a cage for him, once he was awake, he tried all ways to get out of it...:( even during the night. We had spent an extremely tough period... Finally we have given up struggling with the "should-dos", and now i sleep with my 2 year old boy, throwing out the cot.
if I had the second child, i'd prefer to let him/her sleep in a small cradle for the first 3 monthes or so, and then, to sleep with him/her till he/she does not mind to sleep alone in his/her own room, which could be 3 years later.


回複:i have just given it to a friend -猴尾巴尖尖- 給 猴尾巴尖尖 發送悄悄話 (102 bytes) () 04/12/2010 postreply 21:48:03

中午是在mix店裏寫的回複,找不到中文 -周夢蝶- 給 周夢蝶 發送悄悄話 周夢蝶 的博客首頁 (248 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 02:12:33

回複:中午是在mix店裏寫的回複,找不到中文 -猴尾巴尖尖- 給 猴尾巴尖尖 發送悄悄話 (129 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 03:12:53

就在興瑋大廈裏,coach店的樓上 -周夢蝶- 給 周夢蝶 發送悄悄話 周夢蝶 的博客首頁 (84 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 04:02:48

謝謝!存下來先。:) -猴尾巴尖尖- 給 猴尾巴尖尖 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 21:29:03

回複:i have just given it to a friend -十月- 給 十月 發送悄悄話 (559 bytes) () 04/12/2010 postreply 22:49:23

沒錯,小孩子個體差異很大,可惜生出來之前猜不到,,, -周夢蝶- 給 周夢蝶 發送悄悄話 周夢蝶 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 02:13:10

那你的老大現在自己睡一間房?你晚上還要起來給他蓋被子什麽的嗎? -猴尾巴尖尖- 給 猴尾巴尖尖 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 03:13:46

回複:那你的老大現在自己睡一間房?你晚上還要起來給他蓋被子什麽的嗎? -十月- 給 十月 發送悄悄話 (234 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 06:44:40

您的安排挺好的,學習了:) -猴尾巴尖尖- 給 猴尾巴尖尖 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/13/2010 postreply 21:30:26
