They are more greedy. at least the corporation or capitalist in western countries know to protect the environment or not damag it when they build the commercial and residensial buildings. But the corporations in HK only pay attention to the profits. The west Kowloon so called luxury aparments is a strange and ugly mixture to me. But the price of per sq is higher and hihger. Seems there is not limit for the high price. it only refrect how greedy the people are.
• 02還是03年香港要搞金融監管改革 -waiwaiwai- ♂ (308 bytes) () 10/17/2009 postreply 17:38:42
• 補充一句 -waiwaiwai- ♂ (106 bytes) () 10/17/2009 postreply 17:48:50