

2009年10月15日 08:27 網站編輯曾蔭權電台答問 市民關注樓市就業



【列印討論】回應:網站編輯 被問及青年、就業問題,曾蔭都強調,香港不可以再像以前一樣,發展低工資的工廠,而是要發展增值行業,同時要把產業的「餅」做大,才解決到問題。現時六項產業的經濟貢獻隻有7%,如果數年之後可以做大一倍,即可創造更多職位。 10月15日 08:32

網站編輯 亦有市問及可否減免首次置業厘印費,令購買200萬元以上物業者都受惠。曾蔭權表示,會叫財政司司長曾俊華在財政預算中考慮有他的建議。 10月15日 08:34

網站編輯 他又說自己兩個仔之中,一個仔仍未買到樓,但他強調,製定政策時,不時考慮自己家人的條件。但他說,保證政府對樓價是敏感的,最重要是政策不可令市場波動;而現時市場是有分層。強調現時樓市從價格、交投、負擔能力當比97、98年正常,但政府不會掉以輕心。 10月15日 08:41

網站編輯 關於政改問題,有市民大罵曾蔭權把民主沒進展的責任推卸給民主派否決05方案。曾說,普選不可以解決貧富懸殊、高地價等問題。他說,普選時間表已得到人大常委會很嚴肅的承諾,現時最重要的是不可以像05年原地踏步。

他說,下月的諮詢不可以即時提出方案,而是按07年的人大常委決定定出的選擇方法框架來作全麵諮詢。 10月15日 08:46
網站編輯 有市民指,自由黨雖是「執政聯盟」卻仍反對最低工資,他要求曾蔭權下令政府官員不稱呼民主派為「反對黨」;曾回應指,如果有一些人每次官員講話他都不聽,都反對,官員自然會有想法。他亦強調,有決心推行最低工資。 10月15日 08:49

網站編輯 有市民批評,政府保育中區,但是中環一到假日,就遭大批「外來人」霸占,又非法擺賣,又沒有管理,本地人到中環就好像入侵他們。她又擔心,太多外資湧入香港購買物業,炒高樓價。 10月15日 08:55

網站編輯 教育方麵,搞教育產業不是要賺錢,而是利用人才、優勢來培訓人材,香港的知識型產業做得好,將來就會需要這些人材。有市民擔心將來太多大學生,他們找工難。曾蔭權說,絕大部份大學生都可以找到工作。

曾蔭權又再次向家長勸說,要對子女有合理期望,不要強迫子女選科、升學,如果他們喜歡,應該讓他們選擇創意產業。 10月15日 09:00

網站編輯 提到曾俊華過勞致心髒病,曾蔭權說,自己現時保持健康的方法,是每天早上五時多起床,在跑步機、cross trainer跑步,或遊泳,到六時「再搏殺」。 10月15日 09:02
margaux I do agree with the CE that the young professionals should not anticipate to buy a mid-level apartment once they started to work. the lady who called up to say that was certainly naive & unrealistic, though reflective of youngsters of today. they were brought up to be satisfied by their parents but now have to be disappointed by reality! good luck, kids. when my peer group graduated in the 80's, we alls saved up and worked very hard before considering the purchase as we were afraid of losing our job during the mortgage repayment, worrried about family member's health which might required our support and volatility of property price which might lead to cash burden. do the fresh graduates of today give deep consideration to these various angles and more?? 10月15日 09:19
加客 margaux 兄,隻是小弟一點意見,像我們這個年代80s,友人們好像比目前年輕人更勇於入市,原因係我們比較容易看見將來,隻要刻苦幾年,薪金會增加。

時下年輕人比較遲婚,樓價高也是一個原因,看不到前景又是一個原因。 10月15日 10:19

audience 這是一個地主的問題。香港地方小,土地供應有限,炒作容易。 現在貨源歸邊,貧富縣殊, 發展商已成吸錢妖怪, 租買問題, 榨到盡,發財不立品。小市民出半斤力, 可以羅番幾20001;? 一生一世為錢幣做奴隸,但生活水平不斷下降。香港, 今日是看不到明日。"Breaking New Ground Together"? No, it should be "Breaking New Generation's Hope Together". 10月15日 11:29

AURA margaux君,我看到的正好相反,正是那些食盡香港黃金十年的80年代畢業生,97年後負資產情況最嚴重.現在的新一代反而更謹慎,因為他們全部都親眼見證負資產是怎麽回事. 10月15日 12:10

遊民 比一舊水買兩個慳電32966;...買五注六合彩博反身好過... 10月15日 13:01

遊民 aura兄: 未敢苟同[...現在的新一代反而更謹慎,因為他們全部都親眼見證負資產是怎麽回事]... 10月15日 13:05

遊民 現在的新一代(指80年代出生的一群), 他們置業絕不像我們要靠自己,亦唔使考慮供得起樓與否... 10月15日 13:08

遊民 就我所識的幾個朋友, 他們的細佬細妹, 全都在25 26歲做業主,樓價由150-350萬不等...首期3-5成由父母, 呀哥, 家姐送, 點知咩叫負資產... 10月15日 13:13

文若 遊民兄,你朋友的細佬細妹比較幸運。不能說是所有年輕人都有父母可以幫一把的。


現在三十出頭,家裏還有父母供養,現在隻想保住飯碗,過一天是一天。結婚買樓組織小家庭,想也不敢想。因為負擔不起也!當然,你也可以說我沒本事,但流動性低了,確實是不爭的事實。 10月15日 13:40

HumnptyDumpty 遊民兄,我就有朋友25、26歲阿媽不惜一切,97時見樓市升,勉強買樓俾 地幾兄妹,結果手持幾個負資產,阿媽日日自責還出現自殘傾向,過了幾年苦日子。事過境遷,生活改善,也難保 地日後又不會同樣的愛錫子女,父母兄姊有能力,總少不免想好好對待下一代。

BTW,如果父母近年幫仔女買150萬樓,俾3成首期,而家是供平過租。但這畢竟是某一階層的幸福生活吧。 10月15日 13:47
HumnptyDumpty 其實我唔明,結婚跟買樓何以是同一件事? 10月15日 13:48

紫燈籠 有無 誇張呀! 醫生律師都買唔到樓! 如果想買淺水灣、深水灣, 係可能有點難度既! 不過,人唔係應該要量力而為,無 大個頭,就唔好戴 大頂帽! 10月15日 13:52
Sota Younger generations now pretty useless! Or a piece of junk.

When we got married, we arranged everything ourselves and we didn't ask our parents for a cent!

Should there be any unfortunate things happen on these spoiled kids, I can tell they don't have any guts and bravery to withstand!

Parents think they are helping their kids, they are actually sending them to heaven! 10月15日 13:54
Sota margaux,

Kids now are garbages! Ask your friends and U know their work attitude.

They are damned lazy and lack of independence. I could DIY everything at home, changing sockets on walls, fixing lamps, taking out air conditioners, moving by ourselves...

These kids can hardly compete with those from the mainland! 10月15日 13:57
金木水 sota兄∶i can build a house for you! 10月15日 14:10
Sota For funeral purpose??? ha ha... 10月15日 14:15

Maza Sota may belong to the "2nd generation" men, as mentioned in the thread below. 10月15日 14:19

阿祖 To 紫燈籠 - it is not 誇張. Both of my wife and myselves are professionals and been worked for 10-15 years (poorly i cannot catch the facsinated 80s train), what i guess most of our type of people are looking for 800-900 sq2 (however, it has to discount the area by 30-40% for the 新27004;). They are costing 3-4m for some rough district. nowadays, it is costing 5-6k per sq2 for 23558;20891;澳。 damn, how can most of us can handle. even i have a million cash on hand, i am hestiating. 10月15日 14:21

金木水 sota兄: 又未洗 快呱?yes禾要同意新一代有好多係好軟弱,但禾亦睇到有一大班係肯搏肯試22021;。 地唔係aim for人地俾份好工 地,而係自己做老細,有能力俾份工人地! 地有blue blood22021;,但係草根更多。。。俾多D時間呢班人啦。老人家永遠係以自己22021;識見同experiece去秤班靚仔,有時D野係要浸21523;先出味架嗎! 10月15日 14:23
網站編輯 食物及衛生局局長周嶽表示,施政報告提出政府對醫療融資的取向,是研究非強製性供款製度,吸引所有中產參加,但他強調要有法例規管,以保障用家,不會讓市場「自由發展」。他表示,政府既然會預留500億元作醫療融資的儲備,當局可以憑此向中產提供多種誘因,但現時不能講太多。他預計,政府會在明年中作出諮詢。 10月15日 14:27


Crabwing sota 前輩,你地個時d 女仔唔會要係買個名牌手袋先做你女朋友架ma。 而家d女仔自己個份駛曬就駛男友個份,仲邊有錢儲首期買樓。 10月15日 14:39

遊民 文若兄: 就是了...靠自己得來的, 知道一切得來不易, 才會學懂謹慎, 懂得珍惜... 10月15日 14:45

遊民 係啦...講起火都扯...有條電車男(保險經紀,年約30), 好打遊戲機...識左條女, 去年結婚之時, 條女賣左老豆比 層樓(已供滿), 搓25592;住3球cash, 條電車男經紀老公, 家陣成日上facebook show off 換新款benz, 去杜拜, 歐洲, 日本旅行既相... 10月15日 15:01

遊民 上一代既辛勞, 唔隻惠澤下一化, 下一代既伴侶都惠澤埋... 10月15日 15:03

Sota 遊民 上一代既辛勞, 唔隻惠澤下一化, 下一代既伴侶都惠澤埋...

That is for sure ga lar! I hope when I have my last breath, I only have $1 in my account!

I actually find a lot who work extremely hard and save every penny for their kids could be quite stupid. I know some of these, some are partner of law firms or senior management at comm or ibanks, who wear cheaply and eat shit lunches. Their kids?? living comfortably with maids around them in HK and have a house and a brand new car while studying in the UK or Australia. Their GFs and BFs also live with them, have good lunches and dinners. Sunshine during summers and travel in Christmas times! They are the largest "mortgages" of their parents! 10月15日 15:12

文若 Mr. Sota, it is quite easy to have only $1 in your account. Donate it to charity!

Those who save for their kids, sometimes they 不忍心 see their kids go through rough patches. Leaving the best for their kids is only normal.

There are still many parents who discipline their kids well. Quite honestly, the majority is really not that bad. 10月15日 15:36

Chan David Sota Hing: mainland kids, especially those in big city, are no better off ga. Having started up 2 branches, one in SH and one in BJ before, I found that they are really no better off! Those from inner mainland are better and more aggressive. Yet, they are also too sneaky to build longer term business relationship. 10月15日 16:08

Chan David On the other hand, this is always a process of getting matured. Sorry to mention that, at least on online temperament, Sota Hing perhaps also needs more training and discipline too...(grin). 10月15日 16:11
Sota Chan David hing, I see I see.

Really a dilemma - too good and kids too dependent, while too harsh no good for development. 10月15日 16:12

遊民 [普羅大眾需要的樓宇,價格與97、98年高峰期仍有差距]呢d係人話? 個point係e家d樓炒x到貴到普羅大眾根本買唔起... 10月15日 16:17
Sota Chan David,

Sorry can't take your advice. Can you say that Hing 姐 is childish or immature every time she lost her temper in the Legislative Council (I just watched TV and saw her shouting again!).

There are a lot of things, stupid maybe, naive maybe, attemptedly twisted maybe, misleading maybe, lying maybe and aksing you to keep silent maybe, that require us to shout and talk loud.

Sorry I cannot agree that an appearing "see man" guy is a nice guy. I have encountered F many "see man" guys who screwed me at the back. Speaking foul language also does not imply one sucks!!! Foul at the heart is the most terrible!!! 10月15日 16:21

AURA 遊民君,當奴擺明想少做少錯,平安卸任就算,但他繼續不理樓價,在他任期完結前民間怨氣爆煲的可能性不低. 10月15日 16:39

eddie31 香港的民怨, 和高地價及在一力維護地產商利益下造成的居住環境問題關係甚大.新加坡不錯是個威權社會但人民聽話, 和老李深明居安可以得到人心有關 10月15日 17:15

Chan David Sota Hing: Sorry that if I ever misunderstand or offend you. Apologize if my words sound impolite. 10月15日 17:16

eddie31 高地價也在侵蝕其他行業的資本, 當想安居就得每月付出大部份收入供樓時, 誰會創業?這樣的社會一定好管, 因大家都隻想有收入供樓, 可是一定不會創新和有活力 10月15日 17:18

HumnptyDumpty 今日又聽到懷念八萬五的聲音,有人話八萬五是德政,有無人敢賭一鋪,如果政府又再保證所有人都買得起樓... 10月15日 17:19

Sota Chan David hing,

Never mind. Like you and other pals, I just want to 出出氣 here! 10月15日 17:20

Sota 高地價 NOT a problem from 80s to 90s last century, due mainly to the VERY strong growth. A fresh graduate could have his salary double in five years. Many who first started as a sales for large corporates also ended up having his businsses with factories in HK.

Hence 高地價 and implicit land-related taxes NOT a problem at all (taxes may also be quite progressive, ie. the more $$$ you have the more taxes U need to pay).

Now given the slowdown in economic growth, implicit tax may turn out to some form of VAT tax (i.e. whenever you want to buy a flat, U pay, whenever you eat out, U pay and whenever you conduct something related to real estate, U pay! Implicit tax is getting more regressive!).

Also the increasing number of parents who pay for their kids' downpayments may be a reflection of predictions from the overlapping generation model! 10月15日 17:29

margaux 加客, your friends were certainly more aggressive than mine. 10月15日 17:54

margaux AURA, maybe due to my friends' conservative nature, NONE of us leveraged beyond our capability and NONE was hurt by the 97 drop when most of our small but sufficient apartments were almost paid up. Don't be overwhelmed by the media, there are conservative & non-speculative groups who do live happily in hong kong because we are not affected by the volatile (sometime hysteric) financial markets. basic living is environmental and peaceful. envy often turns into greed and subsequently loss!! 10月15日 18:00

margaux 紫燈籠 if you heard this morning, the youngster was looking to buy the mid-levels at the first home. maybe i should have called the CE that at my age i deserve a star TOO? and why can't I?? 10月15日 18:08

margaux cannot agree more, Sota! relying on this young bunch, our social security system will not last too long :(( 10月15日 18:11

margaux 阿祖, unfortunately your english reveals to a certain extent why you are lagging. self improvement is a good start before envying and complaining. many of us who started in the 80's did travel fr fanling and taipo to work in central for the first 10-15 years when money saving was the most important task to achieve our objective of 'a better tomorrow'! we hv been thru that, so why dont u? 10月15日 18:16
遊民 文若兄: 加油... 10月15日 18:16
遊民 [有市民問可否減免首次置業厘印費,令購買200萬元以上物業者都受惠。]...??? 10月15日 18:18
margaux Crabwing, as a middle age woman, i can tell u that you shud dump that girl if that's the requirement. it proves that the girl sees nothing in you but your wallet! i hv seen many capable girls happily sharing the dinner bill with their hard-working partner. u hv to set ur selection criteria correctly to seek the suitable other half! 10月15日 18:20
遊民 HumnptyDumpty 兄: 八萬五未夠絕, 叫政府用行政幹預或者立法: [現凡買樓者, 不論新盤或二手樓, 十年內不得轉讓, 業主身故者, 則不在此限]... 10月15日 18:27
遊民 Sota 兄: 好有同感, 一針見血[... When we got married, we arranged everything ourselves and we didn't ask our parents for a cent!] 10月15日 18:35
遊民 also when we purchased our first property .... 10月15日 18:37
AURA margaux君,97年負資產問題絕非傳媒誇大報道,根據當時金管局的統計,負資產單位在高峰時曾逾8萬個.8萬個單位約等於4年的一手市場吸納量,怎麽可能不算嚴重?80年代出生的人,當年仍在念書,這些單位不可能是他們買的吧? 10月15日 18:39
LSY Doctors/ Lawyers are just a job, it dose not mean they are warrent to live in the luxary housings in Mid-level/ Southern HK island. They are reserved for the Capitalists.

In fact, there are lots of housings in the rset of the Island that are affordable by someone with an stable, sensible incomes.

Those young professionals must adjust thier expections and face the reality. 10月15日 20:12
賣吉 點解突手要用97年做benchmark? 97年香港人炒樓炒到超級瘋狂, 怎可做benchmark? 打個比喻, 一個人同一個超級瘋癲的人比, 如果你癲過 , 你算是癲, 如果你   癲, 你就是正常!。真是人都癲!!頂 唔順! 10月15日 20:53
危睛 The CE means it is now still better than the time under British rule. This is to tell Beijing under his management, HK is still better than 1997. 10月15日 20:59
Crabwing margaux sister, it is not in my case but it is the general comment i heard from my peer. Most of them complain HK girls have such mind. Of course , i also know there are many girls as like as your as you mentioned. However, I think HK people( not only girl) become more materialistic(or pragmatic ) than 10 years ago... 10月15日 22:41
magiccello "Doctors/ Lawyers are just a job, it dose not mean they are warrent to live in the luxary housings in Mid-level/ Southern HK island."


問題的重心是醫生,律師一向被稱為發三師的行業,為何會打電話到電台投訴買不到樓? 今天剛畢業的律師收入如何, 人工不是很高, 有2萬一個月已經好好. 今天的HA醫生, 若不是考完專科試, 不會有10萬一個月. 剛畢業的, 我記得有3萬一個月左右. 若在醫療集團工作, 也是這樣.

一些在人家眼中的中產, 想在港島區置業, 我相信他們指的是港島的中產區, 如太古, 西灣河, 中上環, 不是罪過啊? 難道要中產住天水圍嗎? 若中產隻能住在新界, 其他普羅市民, 難道要反深圳居住嗎?

社會上口口聲聲說社會流動性依然存在, 看看大眾的反應, 我非常質疑香港社會還有多少流動性. 10月15日 23:05

tamrochelle 有 醫生 stupid? 又 得閑九點鍾phone in電台節目呢? 我又唔明22046;, 市民租唔起樓, 就怨政府21867;, 買樓, 係投資, 你買股票蝕21655;, 唔通又賴政府棉 ? 太脫離現實22046;. 我21874;同學同事,  一個買唔起樓. 我個人都有兩層. 呢個嚴姓女醫生, 太過可疑, 九成九係政府自己打電話問自己ke梅22175;ke! 10月15日 23:33

MSC 買唔起樓唔係問題,若租唔起樓或無地方住才是問題。正如買唔起車唔係問題,搭唔起巴士或無巴士搭才是問題。 10月15日 23:46
