With 130k a month, you can rent a luxury, full sea view, over 2000 sqf flat at Repulse Bay, which you may not be able to get in SF (btw, i know how crazy the property price has been in the bay area).
People in different places have different living preference and different life styles. The fact that you prefer living in the States than in HK doesn't mean that the quality of life in HK is not as good as in the states. On the other hand, lot of HK people consider life in the States rather dull and boring.
Actually your family is not alone. Quite a few couples from the States had to face the same probelm when they first relocated to HK. Hu*****ands usually like HK but wivies(including myself)prefer to live in the States. However, if you choose to stand by your man, you'd better try to look more positively at the life in HK, and try to enjoy it. I'm sure you will get used to it and even fall in love with it.
The point is why you have to stay in a hotel room.
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04/03/2009 postreply