It's true that we carry our culture in our blood, But I think we live in a multicultral and multiracial world today. He who wants to fit in this world has to be aware, tolerant and understanding to the existence of different kinds of culture, at the same time has the pride in his own cultural heritage and learns others' cultural background. Then the culture will be no more a barrier. Survial of the fittest.
回複:So true!!! Language is easy part. Culture is something
You are right to some extent. In the ideal world,
(457 bytes)
03/26/2009 postreply
回複:You are right to some extent. In the ideal world,
(571 bytes)
03/26/2009 postreply
Agree with you
(0 bytes)
03/26/2009 postreply
Yes, more and more people noticed that globalization
(732 bytes)
03/26/2009 postreply