
回答: rfeJambaJuice332017-10-12 09:17:17

8老師,您好,我回國工作後提交了NIW的140,剛收到NIW的RFE,質疑proposed endeavor,本來想在國內等排期到在CP。

please submit evidence to establish that your specific proposed endeavor has national importance, this evidence must demonstrate the endeavor's potential prospective impact. However, you did not provided doucumentation regarding where or how you may continue working without documentation of your proposed employment, it cannot determined your ability to advance your proposed endeavor. 

我的理解是NIW不必須提供future job offer?
-Right. NIW I-140 does not need job offer letter. But you may need to address your future employment plan such as what area you plan to work, where or how you work as the RFE asked for (this is your proposed employment or prospective employment, not current employment).

現在中國排期比較長,就算拿到offer letter,幾年之後也可能變了。如果現在有一個job offer,以後CP時候變了,不去這個工作,對綠卡有影響嗎?
-Not affect it.

如果現在朋友的公司(相同的領域)拿到一個job offer,但沒有payroll,這樣的offer可以提交嗎?


