回複:EB2 to EB 3

回答: EB2 to EB 3zwdoctor762013-12-10 12:52:36

I am currently EB2 pending. My lawyer just called me today to see if I want to reapply my I140 in EB3 category. She said that if we do so, I will become current and I can file both 140 and 485 together. Is that right and safe to do?

What if the EB 3 drop back, am I losing my EB 2?

My H1 has been used up.


回複:回複:EB2 to EB 3 -zwdoctor76- 給 zwdoctor76 發送悄悄話 (71 bytes) () 12/10/2013 postreply 13:12:27

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