googled honey mushroom,好像應該是The fungus, Armillaria mellea,


The fungus, Armillaria mellea, occurs sporadically in this region and has been reported to infect over 25 species of ornamental trees and shrubs. The most distinctive sign of Armillaria infection is the honeycolored mushroom that grows from the roots and base of plants. The fungus is especially prevalent on oak but also affects many different kinds of fruit and nut trees, ornamentals, and herbaceous plantings. It is often referred to as oak root rot fungus because it is commonly found on oaks or in areas where oaks trees once were grown, such as cleared forest land.


網上的照片,非常像 -897- 給 897 發送悄悄話 897 的博客首頁 (87 bytes) () 08/30/2017 postreply 12:56:39

對的,以前我沒醉同學宅的也是這種 -mickey222- 給 mickey222 發送悄悄話 mickey222 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2017 postreply 13:00:52

每個地方的蘑菇多少有點不同,即使是同一種,當地人的經驗非常重要 -mickey222- 給 mickey222 發送悄悄話 mickey222 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2017 postreply 12:59:33

原來如此,我以為同樣的名字是長的一樣的 -897- 給 897 發送悄悄話 897 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2017 postreply 13:08:08

主要特征是一樣的,但是心態可能會有不同,我的雞油菌都特別幹特別小跟加拿大進口的比的話.我們這裏雨水少,張得慢 -mickey222- 給 mickey222 發送悄悄話 mickey222 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2017 postreply 13:17:45

噢我們這裏雨水多,今年尤其雨水充足 -897- 給 897 發送悄悄話 897 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2017 postreply 13:38:49
