特朗普上台後,中產階級可能買不起的 4 件事

當選總統唐納德-特朗普將於 1 月 20 日第二次就職,他提出的政策有望帶來巨大變化。雖然他向國家承諾經濟會發生轉變,但轉變的方式可能與人們的預期不同。美國人口袋裏的錢不會越來越多,反而會越來越貴。


“美國從中國進口平板電腦、智能手機和筆記本電腦等各種電子設備,"MoneyLion 的特許金融分析師 Anna Yen 說。“進口關稅的上調可能導致這些商品的價格上漲高達 46%。因此,中產階級買不起這些產品了。

但這還不是全部。冰箱、攪拌機和洗碗機等電器的價格也會上漲。“Yen說:"現在,這些商品已經夠貴了。“進口關稅的上調可能會使它們的價格進一步上漲約 19%。



根據美國財政部的數據,2024 年有 2080 萬人簽署了《平價醫療法案》,而在特朗普執政期間,價格預計會飆升,因為他想廢除《平價醫療法案》的部分內容。

“金融專家、TheFinanceNewsletter.com 創始人安德魯-洛肯奧特(Andrew Lokenauth)說:"中產階級家庭的月保費可能會暴漲 20%-30%,既存病症可能會再次成為投保的障礙,許多雇主可能會減少醫療福利以削減成本,處方藥價格可能會在沒有價格控製的情況下上漲。

今年年底,COVID-19 大流行病的一項關鍵稅收減免將到期,屆時參加 ACA 的美國人可能會看到成本變化。根據 KFF 的說法,如果特朗普不延長補貼,那麽一些州的保費可能會翻番。





高利率隻是購房者在過去幾年中遇到的諸多困難之一,但美聯儲在 2024 年三次降低利率,將利率範圍降至 4.25% 至 4.5%。9 月,美聯儲自 2020 年以來首次將利率下調了半個百分點。11 月,美聯儲再次降息 0.25 個百分點,12 月再降 0.25 個百分點。




“Nourmand & Associates 經紀公司總裁邁克爾-努爾曼德(Michael Nourmand)告訴 CNBC:"當選總統特朗普將比副總統哈裏斯更快地加速預算赤字的增長。此外,他還表示,特朗普提出的關稅計劃也會刺激通脹,提高物價。



“埃德蒙茲公司(Edmunds)洞察力總監伊萬-德魯裏(Ivan Drury)告訴CNBC:"不存在100%美國製造的汽車。“盡管這是一件看似簡單的事情,但卻有太多的複雜性"。






President-elect Donald Trump is set to take office for a second time on Jan. 20, and big changes are expected due to his proposed policies. While he has promised the country a shift in the economy, it might not be in the way people expect. Instead of more money in the pockets of Americans, things could get more expensive.

Read More: The Trump Economy Begins: 5 Money Moves the Middle Class Should Make Before Inauguration Day

Try This: 4 Unusual Ways To Make Extra Money That Actually Work

Trump has promised to stick a 10% tariff on global imports, a 60% tariff on goods coming from China and, until his conditions are met, a 25% tariff on Canadian and Mexican imports, which he would enact on the first day of his new term and would likely increase the prices of everyday household items.

“The U.S. imports various electronic devices, such as tablets, smartphones and laptops, from China,” said Anna Yen, CFA, with MoneyLion. “The hike in the import tariffs can result in a price rise of up to 46% on these items. Therefore, they can become less affordable for the middle class.”

But that’s not all. Look for higher prices on appliances, such as refrigerators, blenders and dishwashers. “As it is, these items are expensive enough,” Yen said. “The hike in import tariffs could push their prices further by around 19%.”

Everyday goods aren’t the only things consumers will likely pay more for. Here are four things the middle class might not be able to afford once Trump returns to the White House.

Healthcare and Insurance Coverage

In 2024, 20.8 million people signed up for the Affordable Care Act, per the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and prices are expected to soar under Trump, because he wants to dismantle parts of the ACA.

“Monthly premiums might skyrocket by 20%-30% for middle-class families, pre-existing conditions could once again become a barrier to coverage, many employers might reduce health benefits to cut costs, and prescription drug prices could increase without price controls,” said finance expert Andrew Lokenauth, founder of TheFinanceNewsletter.com.

Americans enrolled in the ACA will likely see cost changes when a key tax credit from the COVID-19 pandemic expires at the end of this year. According to the KFF, if Trump doesn’t renew the subsidies, which cuts costs for millions, premiums could double in some states.

Find Out: How President-Elect Trump’s Win Could Impact Grocery Prices

Higher Education

Pursuing a higher education could cost even more under Trump, and students should start bracing for costly changes, according to Lokenauth.

“Federal student loan interest rates might increase, income-driven repayment plans could become more restrictive, public university funding might decrease, leading to higher tuition, and student loan forgiveness programs could be eliminated or reduced,” he explained.


High interest rates are just one of the many difficulties homebuyers have dealt with over the last few years, but the Federal Reserve reduced the interest rate three times in 2024, bringing the range down to 4.25% to 4.5%. In September, the Federal Reserve slashed the interest rate by half a percentage point for the first time since 2020. In November, the Fed reduced the rate by another 0.25 and another 0.25 in December.

Another potential win for the market is Trump’s promise of more affordable housing, but according to Lokenauth, homebuyers could still face financial challenges.

Mortgage rates might climb due to economic policies, first-time homebuyer programs could face cuts, property taxes might increase in middle-class neighborhoods, and the mortgage interest deduction could be modified, affecting affordability,” he explained.

Trump’s policies could make housing unattainable for some.

“President-elect Trump will accelerate the growth of the budget deficit more quickly than Vice President Harris would,” Michael Nourmand, president of the brokerage Nourmand & Associates, told CNBC. In addition, he stated that Trump’s proposed tariff plans could also boost inflation and raise prices.


Leading up to the election, Trump regularly touted his tariff plans, but his policies are likely to raise the price of cars.

“There’s no such thing as a 100% American vehicle,” Ivan Drury, director of insights at Edmunds, told CNBC. “There’s so much complexity, even though it’s a seemingly straightforward thing.”

But that’s not the only way transportation costs could increase. Lokenauth explained that gas prices might rise due to international trade policies, public transportation funding might decrease, and electric vehicle tax credits could be eliminated under the Trump administration, which the president indicted while campaigning.

Nobody can predict what policies Trump will enact once he returns to the White House, but significant changes will come if his planned tariffs are imposed, and prices are expected to increase.

Editor’s note on political coverage: GOBankingRates is nonpartisan and strives to cover all aspects of the economy objectively and present balanced reports on politically focused finance stories. For more coverage on this topic, please check out 7 Little Luxuries the Middle Class Will Be Able To Afford When Trump Takes Office.


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