Marist 的最新民意調查顯示,卡瑪拉·哈裏斯 在民調中飆升,在全國範圍內比特朗普高出+5 個百分點


民意調查:Marist 的最新民意調查顯示,卡瑪拉·哈裏斯 (Kamala Harris) 在民調中飆升,在全國範圍內比特朗普高出 +5 個百分點。你覺得怎麽樣?這項民意調查是為了塑造公眾輿論,還是您認為過去一周對卡瑪拉·哈裏斯的支持率一直在飆升?FWIW - Marist Poll 的大部分收入/支持來自 NBC 新聞、華爾街日報、PBS NewsHour 和 NPR。在 2016 年的選舉中,Marist 讓希拉裏·克林頓 (Hillary Clinton) 領先 11 個百分點......

Harris (52%) leads Trump (47%) among likely voters nationally, including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate. Earlier this month, two points separated Harris (50%) and Trump (48%) among likely voters.

The contest is tighter among registered voters. Among the general electorate, Harris receives 51% to 48% for Trump. In early October, the same margin separated Harris (50%) and Trump (47%) among the broader electorate.

Trump (54%) leads Harris (44%) among independents who are likely to vote, widening the 4-point edge Trump (50%) had against Harris (46%) previously.

Trump (53%) leads Harris (47%) among men who are likely to vote while Harris (57%) has the advantage over Trump (42%) among women.

While members of Gen X divide (51% for Harris to 48% for Trump), Harris has majority support among GenZ/Millennials (53%) and among Baby Boomers/the Silent-Greatest Generations (55%).Image民意調查顯示,特朗普和卡瑪拉的競爭勢均力敵。一些保守派不再支持特朗普。


